Candice in Korea
The last couple of weeks I've been crazy busy with English Summer Camp and thank goodness it's almost over! But today is a special day and therefore deserves a small post.

On February 18th I arrived in freezing-cold Korea and now, just 6 months later, I am sweating my ass off in the ridiculous heat of a Korean summer. 

Starting off by only knowing how to say "hello", I think I've come a long way. Also my tolerance of spicy food and chopstick skills have improved drastically!

I cannot believe how fast time has flown by, but at the same time it feels like I've been here a life-time. So much has changed in the last  few months, good and bad, however I wouldn't change a thing.

I now have 6 more months left and so much to still do here. One year is really not enough! 
For a while now myself and Andrew have been wanting to buy bikes because the county in which we live in is so 'bicycle friendly' and it would make getting around a whole lot easier.

Over the weekend we checked out a store in Jecheon (a town about 30 mins from us) and found cool and cheap mountain bikes. As always communication was a bit of a problem and we didn't know how to ask if they deliver. We managed to somehow tell the owner that we'd be back next weekend to buy them, which would give us time to think about how we could get them home seeing as we can't ride them all the way back.
Andrew was super eager and couldn't wait till the end of the week, so on Monday we decided to go through, buy them, ride them to the Jecheon train station, take a train to Danyang and then ride them home…quite a big mission, especially for me who hasn't ridden a 'non-stationary' bike in ages!!
I told my co-teacher the plan, and after seeing the look on her face I decided to ask her to write down how to ask if they deliver and how much it would cost. (This is always a good idea!)

The owner was thrilled to see us again, and I was eager to show him my note. He said they do deliver and it's free…he would take us back home along with our bikes in his truck. How nice!
After mounting my (large) mountain bike which I had thought about getting, Andrew changed his mind, and thought a smaller cruising bike would be better.

Now, I suck at making decisions, and with all the options I was totally confused. Anyway, after some tough, mind-frazzling thought, I chose my bicycle- a beige cruising bike. Not only did we get free delivery, but also got a few things 'service-ee'. We both got those flashing light things and chain locks, and I wanted a basket and Andrew wanted steel pedals so he gave that too us as well.

As we arrived at our apartment, we off loaded the bikes, said our "thank yous", hopped on our bikes and went cruising around- first to dinner and then through the rose tunnel. It was so good to ride again, felt like a kid! Now I just need to get saddle-fit again (my bum is taking strain this week).

Just a short clip of my youngest kiddies singing one of their favourite songs. This song teaches them the phrases "yes, I do" and no, I don't". I have confidence that they understand it, because as you will see, some of them like to joke around and say "yes, I do" to the question "Do you like popcorn pizza?" Very cute!