Candice in Korea
So spicy food is not really my thing, and as for sauces well, I prefer my food as plain as possible. I’ve never been able to tolerate hot food, but after living in Korea for almost four months now I’ve adapted and my pallet is way more experienced. Knowing I was coming to a country where the food is so foreign to what I know I told myself that I would be adventurous and that I wouldn’t turn my nose up to anything without trying it first. I’ve done pretty well so far, and although I haven’t tried everything I’m proud of myself so far. I can’t say the same for myself when I was a kid. If there was something I didn’t think looked appealing, I would just ignore it. I wouldn't even try tomatoes because they were red, and to me that meant hot. The kids here however are brought up having to eat exactly what adults eat - spice and all! It’s given me some laughs at lunch time when the kids brace themselves for a chopstick full of kimchi and then gulped down a glass of water, and so it goes till their lunch tray is empty. 

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